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As a young man walking the path of a gentleman, in the way that I know best, there will be missteps along the way. I am not perfect now, nor could I attain perfection tomorrow. I surely do not know everything, because each day I learn something new about myself and others.

Whenever I share my perspective on this blog, the perspective is absent of malicious intent. Whenever I provide my take on a subject matter, if it relates to your life in any way, the intent is not to pass judgment.

If the perspective involves what I consider the truth, it is void of malice. The purpose of my truth is to go against what I consider harmful, for one’s personal development.

My way of thinking is based on a collection of readings, observations and mistakes from my own past. Each area has assisted in developing the gentleman I strive to be.

My way of thinking is neither right, nor is it wrong—it is simply my way of thinking.  I can learn from a 75-year-old scholar, as much as I am able to learn from an 8-year-old relative.

I love bespoke and tailored clothing, detest counterfeit goods, consider children as the greatest aspect of humanity, and think ANY person who preys upon children should suffer excruciatingly painful repercussions.

I know that last sentence may bother some people, but I will not retract the statement. I am not going to pray for you, but you are free to ask for repentance. I am sure that sentence may bother some people as well. However, I adore children and their innocence. The thought of what they must endure, at the hands of a monster is mind-numbing.

But I digress.

I was cleaning up as my wife was out shopping, and suddenly, I found myself in deep thought. I put down the cleaning supplies for a bit, picked up my phone and decided to write.

Negative-minded people are like a cancer. You can locate them in all facets of life. This explains why many young boys are unable to become gentlemen. It comes as no surprise, why so many girls prefer looking up to the raunchiest pop star, as opposed to being ladies.

One of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein involves the message of energy.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.

Negative-minded people come in many forms. Some are family members, some are our friends, others happen to be your neighbor, fellow church worshipper, business partner, etc. They are like a cancer, because like a cancer, they do not discriminate.

They dress in the clothing of something or someone you should trust, which leads you to lower your guard. They say things to pull their way into your lives. They inquire about how you are doing, and what you are up to. However, their interest has little to do with your well-being.

My dad would often say…

The enemy cannot cause chaos, unless it knows what you are doing.

 My uncle would often say…

Don’t let your right hand know what the left is doing, because your friends are few but enemies are many.

These people latch onto you to cause destruction, the best way they know how, which is by asking questions and knowing all about your activities.

They are like a cancer, because when you are doing well, they cannot thrive. However, your downfall is their victory. People fear enemies, but your enemy is not someone to fear.

You must be aware of what I consider destruction wearing improvement’s clothing. Similar to a wolf in sheep’s clothing, these people come bearing gifts, masking themselves as someone who desires your best interest, when in reality, they are seeking the best way to interrupt your progression.

Whatever your progression happens to be, their only goal is to impede it from occurring. As opposed to empowering their own mundane lives, they seek success through your failure.

They are like a cancer, because they cannot thrive when you are doing well. The negative energy from these people, maintains relevance only when it shares itself. Their goal is to spread as much negative energy as possible, to as many as possible.

Through my observation, young boys are unable to become men, let alone gentlemen, because the ones they seek for guidance can only share the only thing they know—complete chaos.

I notice this often, whenever there is a discussion involving something positive. Suddenly, along comes this air of negativity.

After three years of dead-end relationships, you finally encounter an amazing guy you met in your Pilates class. Along comes your single friend, whispering negativity in your ear.

1Are you sure you should trust a guy you met at the gym?

2What is his relationship status on Facebook?

3You know how your past relationships turned out. I don’t think this guy is any different.

4I don’t know, but he might be on the down-low. He works out too much for my taste.

Misery is an occupant who cannot reside in this world, without knowing it has company. – One Gentleman

Your smile triggers her frown. Your joy creates her anger. However, when you are down, she is up. When your relationship ends, she is there smiling with, I told you so.

She is a cancer.

Your life cannot progress in the presence of this disease. It does not matter which person in your life represents this cancer—remove them immediately. Strip them from your life, because you will only make excuses for their actions due to their title.

Negativity…it feeds on your dreams by spreading its vibes, little by little. Eventually you become so infected, you begin spreading the disease to others. Before you know it, that book you were looking to finish, is suddenly scrapped. You begin to doubt your abilities.

Before you know it, the woman you were an inch away from proposing to, is now but a memory. Unexpectedly, you found yourself questioning the relationship.

Before you know it, the relocation overseas for a well-deserved promotion, seems out of reach. An eerie kind of energy surrounds your thoughts, calling the move a bad decision, even though it is one you have worked 12 years to reach.

When positive-minded individuals hear about your dreams and aspirations, they think of ways to encourage your process.

When negative-minded individuals encounter your dreams and aspirations, their only goal is to produce doubt. With doubt, it can make the most gifted individual throw in the towel, moments away from accomplishing their goal.

I matured and experienced the first steps towards a gentleman’s lifestyle, by observing negative and positive energy in action. Positive-minded people are always genuine, even when they say things that you may disagree with.

Negative-minded people always have a hint of hatred, jealousy and disdain, in everything they do, even when they appear agreeable. The signs are subtle and other times, the signs are blatant.

How can you tell?

Well, that topic is for another day. For now, I am interested in knowing two things. Why do you believe many prefer a life of spreading negative energy? Did you ever have to separate yourself from a loved one, all due to their negative energy?