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Blending your online personality, with that of your offline life is a difficult decision to make. I can understand why someone decides to remain completely anonymous, and I believe my understanding of this anonymity, has increased severely over the past several months.

By now, if you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I welcome disagreements. The creation of this blog from my wife’s imagination, shares no connection with this idea that I want others to blindly agree with my perspective.

If you are new to my side of the blogosphere, although I embrace disagreements, I dislike irrational arguments.

I do not believe our emotions are particularly good drivers, in this vehicle of communication. They are great passengers, but horrible drivers.

By no means am I saying you should be emotionless. Instead, in the midst of a disagreement with someone, tuck those emotions behind your ability to rationalize, and logically express your point of view.

Children act first and may think later. However, as an adult, you should not behave in this manner. Where am I going with this idea?

Doxing or dox, which is an abbreviation for documents, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting personally identifiable information about an individual.

The methods at one’s disposal includes searching publicly available databases and social media websites (think Facebook), hacking, and social engineering.

When you disagree with someone online, the disagreement should end there.

Person A: Video games promote violence against women, and increase criminal behavior in society.

Person B: I cannot follow your reasoning that video games promote violence, when I understand perfectly that art is an imitation of life, as opposed to life imitating art. More importantly, the victims in video games are disproportionately male by a severely wide margin. This focus on females is misleading at best, and a blatant lie at worst.

With over 33 million copies sold of a popular video game and life being an imitation of art, crime by your logic would increase, and represent actions depicted in video games.  However, that is a complete fallacy.

Person A: (searches for their employee records and home address. Sends out Tweet with this information, after contacting their employer and complaining about harassment, which leads to Person-B losing their employment).

The people who behave in this manner, are some of the worst kinds of humans, whether offline or online.

Person-A allowed an online disagreement to spill offline, all because they were mentally incapable of using critical thinking to state their position.

How is it the fault of Person-B, because you are overly sensitive and irrational? You should instead confront your parents and psychologist with these issues.

Without providing the individual’s name, a female blogger had her information released and employer contacted recently, by what seems to be other female bloggers. Her employer then asked for her resignation.

Did this individual make death threats online? Nope!

Did this person perhaps make a racist comment? Nope!

What did she do to warrant doxing? She simply disagreed with the popular opinion of online provocateurs, and the provocateurs did what they do best—react irrationally.

Let us summarize this behavior…

1. Someone disagrees with your irrational perspective online

2. You acquire their offline information

3. You contact their employer

4. Employer requires a resignation from said individual

We are setting a clear precedent and this pattern says lunatics can feel whatever they want, and hold society hostage under these privileged feelings.

Bravo…bravo. You prove yet again, why I believe lunatics are taking over the asylum.

In an economy where I do not believe in intentionally causing someone to lose their livelihood, I believe it takes a special kind of person to dox, with the goal of having someone lose their source(s) of income.

Offline etiquette is not much different from the etiquette you must have online. Whenever you practice this horrible action of doxing someone because they disagree with your opinion, it speaks volumes about the individual you are offline.

To the woman who suffered financially at the hands of these lunatics, I genuinely hope that you find employment soon. It is awful that your livelihood has to suffer, all because of provocateurs.

I do not know you personally, but I sincerely hope that you bounce back with an even higher paying position.

It is one thing to lose your job because of poor performance. It is another when a vile creature online, decides to contact your employer for unwarranted reasons.

A number of people in this current era of social media are mindless, overly sensitive, ill-equipped in their reasoning and immature.

These are horrible traits for young minds to learn, and with more teenagers using websites like Twitter, this bad behavior may soon become normal behavior.

The culture that you continue perpetuating, I want no part of it.

This is my perspective on doxing; I would like to read yours. Do you consider doxing an appropriate action to take, solely because someone disagrees with an opinion? Do you think each website should become more stern, against users who dox?