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They say the headline of a newspaper article and design of a book cover, are able to entice your curiosity with such intensity, it becomes difficult to refuse investigating further. I am sure this headline comes off a bit off-putting, but as usual, there is a method to my madness. After all, the explanation of this topic is through One Gentleman’s Perspective.

If you were expecting the elements of a pickup artist, there is an audience for these tactics, but their concepts have no business in a gentleman’s atmosphere.

If you came here for a get laid quick scheme, One Gentleman’s Perspective is not for you. By now, several have departed this post. That means all viewers still reading, represent the people I wish to address.

Sometimes you have to focus on a target audience, and by doing so, you become more impactful.

Apart from this article, I have never used the phrase getting laid. However, for the sake of argument, the number one rule for getting laid is that you need to get rid of the concept entirely. Yes, remove from your equation the goal of getting laid.

Wait a minute you cannot be serious. Why did I come here seeking information on getting laid, and here you are telling me to forget about getting laid. Off to the directory of pickup artists we go.

Give me a second, just sit and listen. It sounds weird of course, but allow me to explain.

When I was younger, having sex with girls was the ONLY objective for guys. Heck, if you met one guy who was not talking about having sex, he was asking what he could do in order to have sex.

Really…and all you need to do is tell her what she wants to hear?

So I can make her believe she’s the greatest thing ever, all to take her virginity and then disappear. That sounds easy enough.

I have heard far worse than these two items. If you think this is a joke, I want you to remember one thing: I do not sugarcoat, because it provides no benefit.

I can assure you, the idea of males seeking out a girl’s virginity to add a notch on their belts is no myth. Why do I share this information?

Young girls and women alike must be equipped with information, that will assist in their dating journey. Not all guys are like this. I am merely providing insight into the very worst of us. After all, we are addressing how to get laid.

From my teenage years, all the way to the present, I hear and see things that scare the daylights out of me.

As a new husband yearning to have a child with my beautiful wife, after we travel a bit more, the journey towards parenthood will initiate.

Nonetheless, there is a chance we may very well have a girl. When I think this little girl will eventually enter a society where a guy seeks her virginity as a badge of honor, I will be blunt…it bloody sucks.

It scares me to know even with all of my tips and insight into her dating and analyzing through One Gentleman’s Perspective, some punk can still come along and sweet talk her–right out of her sense of logic.

But I digress.

If you want to get laid, reverse this concept and instead, choose to be a gentleman. It pays dividends in the long haul. Everyone is trying to get laid.

In fact, most girls are completely aware of this stereotype. Do you know what will throw her for a loop? Well, I believe a guy who genuinely desires building a connection, as opposed to getting laid will be different.

I know, I know. I completely get it. To have sex with 1,000 women sounds like winning the sexual lottery, ten times over.

In case you have never heard the saying, pardon my French, but I cannot count the number of times I have heard that new p**** is better than old p****.

However, I will tell you from personal experience something many will have difficulty understanding, unless they have discovered a love such as mine: the mere sight of my wife’s hand gliding through her hair is an act, which eclipses all of the body exploration experiences from my past. Her hair stroke drives me that crazy.

How is that possible? Every gesture she makes and her very presence triggers a positive memory.

With this memory, I enter a sense of euphoria and while in this state, I am always in a mental realm of arousal. In this state, there is no other sexier, more beautiful and able to trigger a similar reaction.

In summary, I will agree that having sex with 1,000 women sounds epic, but it pales in comparison to being in love with my wife.

Sex means nothing without that thing, which comes through a genuine connection you build with someone.

Others can disagree, and believe sex without a mental connection is far greater. That is your right, but it is mine to disagree.

So, instead of trying to get laid, learn how to attract someone who makes every memory appear like an emotional orgasm.

It sounds lame, but looking back at the old version of me, and the married gentleman I am today, I prefer this person to the former, every day of the week.